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Why Now

Why Merrill Performance?

Welcome!  My mission is to provide you with a creative, personalized, and effective solution to the physical limitations preventing you from performing at your best in athletics, and in life.  I partner with people wanting to get healthier, more active, faster, stronger, bigger, more powerful, more supple, pain-free, and more mobile regardless of their goals or discipline.  I do this by considering everyone’s situation uniquely, by evaluating body and mind thoroughly, and by providing solutions that are firmly rooted in science, curiosity, and critical thinking.  Even if you've tried many other modalities to problem solve, I expect significant results from this “partnership”.



The Support You've Been Seeking

About Charlie

Contact Charlie

Merrill Performance, LLC

1836 Baseline Road - Boulder, CO 80302

Mobile: 303.717.8351


Considering the Body and Mind to Cure Symptoms

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I use my hands, eyes, feelings, intuition, and a wide array of treatment tools to solve problems.  Getting to the root of why you have symptoms takes a willingness to think outside of the box and prioritize the most relevant factors. 


Often, the most important factors are not the ones you might not expect.  The mind and body coexist such that we often have physical AND psycho-social factors that result in physical pain.  So, it’s critical that you and I take the time to understand how these influences affect your symptoms and performance limitations. 


In addition to psycho-education, I love to teach people how to self-manage their issues using corrective exercise, intention, and mindfulness.  Expect that if we work together, we will resolve whatever plagues you. 


If you’ve struggled with pain or physical limitation, despite the best efforts of others to get you well, please allow me to help you down a new road!

Charlie's Skill Set

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