The most important motivation for building a relationship is with the person who runs the store who will advertise his store and she will invite people to the store so they are creating a store that is they are creating a platform that is not without a name and there is truth behind it the people I start with: every employee has a first and last name, every email address, and all correspondence is done with a first and last name. My sincere regards to him at the very beginning of the customer service office he was on as long as the president and responded to everyone every comment was answered and not from the company account but from his this allows each account to reply in a private account.
Individuals are beginning to associate with. service office same situation everything is answered with first and last name including when you order a shirt you get a note inside that says thank you whatsapp mobile number list from the president you know but at the end also on the bottom is who made the shirt. This shirt was made by monica. It's handwritten with a pen which of course helps us find the culprit when someone messes up a shirt. Just monica isn't it info. There is such a ranking, right? I mean no that's the kind of oversight I'm trying to avoid I also run the company by setting goals right so instead of looking but listening we have this and that job to do we want to be.
The largest platform in poland, right? We want to sell the most and the best, so let's do it. If you're in customer service listen I can help you but I'm not going to tell you what to do. I can tell you what is good and how to handle things in what language but it is up to you how the client will react to our answers. So you especially customer service is on the front line of the customer it's a very important function because if you screw it up yeah the whole marketing thing gets screwed up like a house of cards so if you put it right it has arms and legs but in retrospect it was pretty hardcore and dangerous. I'm more experienced now ok that's like hardcore. I mean aspect is.